
broken yet still standing

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Broken yet still standing

Shannon was a normal girl. Or so they thought until they saw the scars and they asked the inevitable question who did this and why.
Shannon had great long thick scars that traveled down her back. Some were burns; some from acid others looked like chunks had been torn out of the flesh in her back. He long dark brown hair swept aside so that others could see them her pine colored eyes closed when one got to close and ran there fingers down them. She knew that she would have to answer them some day, but she did not ever want to have to tell them the truth so she kept quiet never saying a word about them. She was broken yet still standing.
After a few weeks people forgot about the scars. New gashes formed here and there, weeping dark copper scented liquid in to clean stark white bandages placed using a mirror image. No one took notice though and she became sad. This went on for years now she looked to be in her 40s a wrinkle here a grey hair there, but what caught most people by surprise where the scars that covered her entire body and the constantly weeping ones always wrapped in clean bandages. She went through life aging slowly gaining more scars as the days went by. Some time in the 2020's she became dreadfully sick. Sitting on her couch watching the news she coughed and up came a crimson liquid as footage of a major mountain range irrupting flashed across the screen. By now she was in so much pain she was openly weeping and the wounds no longer had the careful bandages but open soars with sticky hot pus-filled boils that would pop every now and then. She trembled violently as the earth under her shook. Another scar opening up. Shannon slowly lay down on the couch accepting her dreadful fait. Now she was just broken.
she was going to die and our little blue planet with her. As she wept in pain another title wave crashed in to the shores of south America. Another shiver, another tremor. Another cough another volcano erupts. Finally with the last of her tears and a final cough the world is torn apart. Collapsing in on its self from a little house in the middle of Canada where a nice old lady named Shannon used to live. No longer just broken or standing she is shattered torn apart with the pieces thrown throughout all space and time. She was broken yet still standing. And with a little help she would have been fixed but now, now she is gone.
indirects subjects YAAAAAY, not. had to practice for school. i was told i could not turn this in for a grade because it was to morbid and my teacher will accept nothing less then a happy ending story. i told her that sometimes there is no happy ending but she still said no so i thought i would share it with y'all.
~the fox
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kaitobunny88's avatar
This is intense, bro.